The Incal has been a big inspiration to me, and to find it or its back story is something you have to be looking for. The graphic novel has not ever really been in the main streammarket when it comes to popular comics. Its wasn't intill recent years that this book made its way to the state and was translated into english. Jodorowsky and Mœbius changed my perspective on graphic novels after reading this book, but I think what really changed after reading this was my understanding on the collective consciousness. If you havent got your hands on this yet please do. On October 25th 2017 the Deconstructing The Incal is released and a much deeper look at the making of this magical story is released.
Jupiter In Scorpio 2017-2018
When the Tarot Trumps All
My man! Its been a tough road for me to learn the tarot, still on the path and still learning every day or at least getting the motivation to continue with the tarot and learning the way. I meet Jodo when seeing his famous film HOLY MOUNTIAN. First time seeing that it's like my skull opened wide up and push me forward about 10 years intuitively and then straight back to the current moment I was in. If that makes sense great if not well read his books and maybe you will have a little more understanding of the magic that lies in his world and understanding of it. That said I thought this article was a great introduction to the man himself and his magical world of the Tarot that he has created, and a safe world at that. Jodo reads the Tarot unlike many others and he has motivated me to stay in love & light when reading the tarot myself. Hope this finds you well and you enjoy this and Jodos amazing personality. LINK BELOW
So what is it? Most ask this question when I talk about this. I thought this article was really helpful and a good source that most skeptics may trust. Or not!
Adan Jodorowsky's THE VOICE THIEF
When an opera singer loses her voice, her husband embarks on an odyssey through Miami's dark underworld to recover it through supernatural means.
This film was done by the son of Alejandro Jodorowsky its a must see and its great to see how different generations really show the artistic balance between one another. Written by Adan & Alejandro it's beautiful to see the love of a family carry over to art, film music and so on.
Hope you enjoy!
Marina Abramović : Born November 30, 1946) Her work explores the relationship between performer and audience, the limits of the body, and the possibilities of the mind. Active for over four decades, Abramović has been described as the "grandmother of performance art." She pioneered a new notion of identity by bringing in the participation of observers, focusing on "confronting pain, blood, and physical limits of the body.
The body has no limits when it comes to art, this woman proves that to me every time I experience her art form. To many of us artist forget that art is suppose to hurt, art is suppose to push past the limits we are confined to as human on this plan of existence. Her recent Bio taps into the mindset of this woman and what it takes to truly let go over all expectations when it comes to creation. Some of us question why each stroke of paint lands where it does, some of us question why every cord sounds a certain way. What I have learned from people like Marina & especially David Lynch is that we should really let go of our earthly human desires and be more spontaneous when it comes to self-creation. God truly lives in us especially in the time of pure creation. So we need more trust in the Divine forces for our own personal creation to be more clear. If you are not familiar with Marina please do yourself a favor and look her up she is a true force of creative beauty.